Do you watch a lot of TV? Well put that to use you lazy slob and figure out your career by picking out your favorite program. Then we'll match it up with the best job for you.
QVC - Salesperson
Boston Legal - Lawyer
Grey's Anatomy - Teenage Girl
House - Lawyer
Heroes - Something with computers, dork
Pee Wee's Playhouse - CEO
Knight Rider - German
Monday Night Football - Something where you drive a truck - in the South
VH1 - Intern for US Weekly
The Hills - Somehow get rich off making a sex tape
Smurfs - Cuban dictator
Arrested Development - AnalRapist

SpongeBob - Pizza Delivery
The Wire - TV Critic
The Gauntlet - Real World person who makes a living off appearing in The Gauntlet (CT we're looking in your direction)
Lost - Probably something cool like genetics or architecture
Star Trek - Whatever it is, avoid girls at all costs.