My brother (a senior in genetics at U of Wisconsin) and I (a graduate student in architecture and structural engineering at U of Illinois) would like to write episodes for your hit TV show "Doctor House". Both of us have lived in houses (the singular being "house"-like you and your show) and have been to the doctor. One of us went for getting a penny stuck in their ear and one of us went for drinking too much Shasta. We can't tell you which due to patient-doctor confidentiality. But one of us is another Wild Cherry away from a trip to the county E.R. if you know what we're sayin. Transition. Here is an example of an episode we wrote.
- Someone passes out from an illness
- Dr. House - "I say we do this"
- Everyone - "We're not on board despite you being right everytime"
- People try different things
- Thing House suggested is the correct thing
- Dr. House "Smart alec comment"
- A song by The Who
We can start whenever.
Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely,
Daniel L. Signorelli
Joseph R. Signorelli
P.S. Don't steal our idea.
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