
Cover Letter - Librarian

Dear Fellow Nebbish Bookworm,

My brother (a senior in genetics at U of Wisconsin) and I (a graduate student in architecture and structural engineering at U of Illinois) would like to be librarians. While we don't particularily enjoy books, we wear glasses and that seems to be the main criteria. And not only do we wear glasses, we can peer over the top of them in such a way that would make the most horseplayish youngsters stop playing horse. In addition to our glasses over-peering skills, we can both alternately say "shush" and "shhh" to people depending on what the case may warrant (in an emergency we are fully prepared to deploy a "pipe down!"). If we need to get someone's attention we can "pssst" with the best of them.

We are long time veterans of libraries, as we cut our teeth on the microfiche machine (seriously - don't stick your head in there). Here is the list of books we have read: Goodnight Moon (admittedly with some help), Mel Gibson's Biography, Kirby Puckett's biography, Us Weekly, Jeff Hostetler's Biography, The Instruction Book to the Game Rygar, and Infinate Jest.

We can alphabetize somewhat, only having to guess between L and R. And if you're wondering if we know the Dewey Decimal System, the answer is Dewey ever! We can also fit 15 grapes (green!) in our mouth which, while not entirely applicable, we feel is quite impressive and hope you do too.

See you in the book section under cool dude librarians!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Daniel L. Signorelli
Joseph R. Signorelli

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