
Cover Letter - Nascar

Dear Mr. (Tom?) Nascar,

My brother (a senior in genetics at U of Wisconsin) and I (a graduate student in architecture and structural engineering at U of Illinois) practice ALL THE TIME. We havent taken a right turn in years, opting for three lefts instead. Imagine our difficulty getting off the highway! We're always ending up in Maine. We have switched our diet to 90% jerky and rind form (thank you Kwik Trip). If for some reason you doubt us, we have various speeding tickets to prove how fast we can go.

An advantage we would have over Ricky Rudd for example, would be that if one gets tired the other can drive. If Ricky gets tired his only option is to pull over at a rest stop and take a nap.

BTW: that "Jesus Take the Wheel" song is NOT literal. So if it comes on the radio while you are driving, not only are you a dork for listening to a country station, but you should not climb into the passenger seat. Jesus either did not take the wheel or is a really bad driver.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Daniel L. Signorelli
Joseph R. Signorelli

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